
Sugar Cookie Recipe

I know Halloween is over, but these are Fall-ish, and you can use the recipe for your Christmas cookies.  I decided to copy my friend Erica and make some cute Candy Corn Cookies (click the link to see picts and tutorial)  like the ones over at Check out their tutorial because it is wonderful:). I made them, but with my mama's sugar cookie recipe because its my favorite. I doubles them so I could sample/practice and still take some to my girls school to decorate on Halloween. It made A LOT of cookies!!! I cut them a little thicker the second time and they turned out delicious! Here is the recipe:

1 cup. butter
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 cup milk
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
5 tsp baking soda
6 cups of flour
bake at 350 for 7 min.

Since Kindergartners and 2nd graders were decorating, I didn't dip them in chocolate, I just made a butter cream frosting with real butter and lots of vanilla:) Enjoy:)